If you are looking for a stunning holidays around the world craft, look no further!
I want to include more multicultural celebrations with my ESL students, aside from Christmas around the world. I worked with an awesome illustrator (my artistic sister!) to create a diverse set of stained glass window templates for our Holidays Around the World craft! This is a FABULOUS project to do the week before winter break: easy, cheap, multicultural- and truly stunning whether you hang them all on the wall or send them home for their parents.
Stained Glass Window, Holidays Around the World Craft
Celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Eid, Kwanzaa, and more with this cheerful and fun stained glass window craft! With ten different designs to choose from, this craft is a perfect activity for a holiday party, and makes beautiful decorations for classrooms, school hallways, and homes.
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Gather Supplies
For each child you will need:
- 1 gallon baggie
- 1 disposable plate (7-9″ diameter)
- 1 piece of foil slightly larger than the plate
- a Stained Glass Window Template (or you can draw your own!)
- Sharpies
Holidays Around the World Craft: Stained Glass Windows
1) Have each child choose their favorite holidays around the world craft template for their stained glass window. In my packet I have the following templates available:
– bells
– candy canes
– a Christmas tree
– candles
– a Hanukiah (8 candles used for Hanukkah)
– a Kwanzaa display
– a Nativity scene
– a gingerbread house
– the moon and stars
– a wreath
2) Pass out a gallon ziplock baggie to each child, and have them insert the picture into the baggie (some preschoolers/kinders might need a little help to get the paper into the baggie). Using a black sharpie, have them trace the drawing on the baggie. The static electricity keeps the paper in place, and even if they don’t trace the print exactly, it looks great!
3) After tracing, the kids can use the sharpies to color in the bright colors. Wherever they leave blank, the shiny aluminum foil will show through. Once the kids have colored it in, remove the paper from the baggie to reveal their design! (You can save the papers for next year).
4) Pass out a plate and piece of foil to each child. The should put the plate on the foil, and fold over the corners so they are essentially wrapping the bottom of the plate in foil:
5) Now slide the plate into the decorated baggie. The foil side of the plate should be centered behind their stained glass tracings.
6) This is the only part that my children required help with: wrapping and taping the baggie corners to the back of their art project. Once you’ve taped it, you’re finished!
Here are our “Holidays Around the World,” stained glass craft! Remember that in the packet there are designs for Eid, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Christmas (religious and secular). The perfect multicultural art project for a class or family to make this time of year.
Stained Glass Window Holidays Around the World Craft
Celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Eid, Kwanzaa, and more with this cheerful and fun stained glass window craft! With ten different designs to choose from, this craft is a perfect activity for a holiday party, and makes beautiful decorations for classrooms, school hallways, and homes.
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What a great idea! These would be great to do at family parties!
I have done this art for years, but lost my Christmas folder in my move to another classroom. This is a good idea for grade 2 students in Ontario who learn about different traditions and celebrations. It is much easier to copy onto overhead sheets and then cut out. They are then taped to the tin foiled covered plate.
These are truly beautiful! The colours and the level of details in these pictures are impressive. And an interesting fact: the menorah (a symbol of Israel) actually has 7 candles. The candelabra used to celebrate Hanukkah is called a Hanukiah which is what is featured in your picture 🙂 (but everyone gets this wrong! 🙂
I am so glad you told me! I will mention that in the post:)
Dear in chage,
Iam very happy once i receive your informations concerning children and for sometimes iam feeling deeply touched by the work. so iam working with children and willing my is my children to correspond with and chatting at the same time.
Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours,
What a cool idea!!!!! These look great and fun to do!