One of the first geography lessons for kids is often to learn to name the continents and oceans. In this simple and effective continents of the world map activity, kids will color, cut, paste, and label the continents and oceans.
Learn the Continents of the World Map Activity: Printable
Do this activity in your classroom or home!
Visit the Kid World Citizen store to purchase the Learn the Continents and Oceans Activity. All continent outlines and labels are included.
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Geographic awareness and map reading are often saved for middle school and older grades. The truth is, even lower elementary students can begin to learn about our world, and build on basic concepts. This map “puzzle” activity practices recognizing continents from their outlines, shapes, and sizes, and challenges students to discover their relative placement on a world map, as well as to locate the oceans. I used this activity with my 4 kids ages 6-9 and it worked really well!
World Map Activity
First, gather the supplies needed:
1) crayons, markers, or colored pencils
2) scissors
3) glue sticks
4) continent outlines for each student
5) sheets of blue construction paper for each student
We used this “Learn the Continents and Oceans Activity” from our TpT store here.
Have the kids color in the continents and our worksheet had them trace the names of the continents and oceans. They cut around them on the dotted lines, and referred to our world map as a guide to glue the continents into position on their blue paper. Asia was definitely the hardest, while Antarctica was the easiest.
It took us about 45 minutes to an hour, but in the end I really think it was a concrete way to practice our continents of the world! Didn’t they turn out well?
Learn the Continents and Oceans World Map Activity Printable
Do this activity in your classroom or home!
Visit the Kid World Citizen store to purchase the Learn the Continents and Oceans Activity. All continent outlines and labels are included.
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