Today’s post is from Kali from She blogs about learning Spanish with kids, and she is also a Barefoot Books Ambassador. One of her favorite things to do is make booklists. All the books below are ones she sells through Barefoot Books- they are perfect for our little global citizens!!!!
Books from Around the World for Little Kid World Citizens!
Whether you’re raising little world citizens, or teaching them, you’ll want to be sure to stock your bookshelves with these must-have stories books from around the world. Through books we can help our children first become good world citizens by introducing them to the wonderful and vast differences of humanity around the world, and second by helping them develop the essential “good citizen” skills of compassion, friendship and empathy. The ability to place ourselves in someone else’s shoes is a powerful tool for bridging, understanding, respecting, and celebrating differences from culture to culture.
Below you’ll find 16+ books that will take you on adventures around the world—travel to new countries, listen to their folktales, meet their people, and get a taste of their cultures. Then take a look at 12 books that tell tales of compassion, kindness, empathy & friendship.
Books From Around the World
The Barefoot Book of Children
by Tessa Strickland, Kate DePalma, Illustrations by David Dean. Ages 3-10
In narrative style, this book takes kids on a journey around the world meeting other kids just like them. They’ll get to see up close and personal how different kids go to school, what kid hobbies are around the world, how different families practice different religions, what different foods kids eat, how they take baths at night or what their houses look like, and beyond. Little readers will love to see all the variations of day-to-day activities they do themselves. This is our top choice for a school library from these books from around the world!
Catch That Goat!—Nigeria
Written & Illustrated by Polly Alakija
Ages 3-8
A humorous tale about a runaway goat. Follow young Ayoka as she chases her goat through the local market and learns some lessons about responsibility. At the end, learn about Nigeria, Yoruba costume and language, and market life. This story also helps kids learn counting down from 10 to 1.
We’re Sailing Down the Nile: A Journey Through Egypt—Egypt
by Laurie Krebs, Illustrations by Anne Wilson. Ages 4-10
Who doesn’t want to take a sailing journey down the mighty Nile? This book has a short rhyming text paired with tons of amazing facts and illustrations all about Ancient Egypt as well as a map to see where you travel.
Riding on a Caravan: A Silk Road Adventure—China
by Laurie Krebs, Illustrations by Helen Cann. Ages 4-10
Learn about places along the Silk Road in China and how this cultural wonder fostered diversity a hundred years ago. Travel with many generations of a family and see all the sites on your way. Read about the facts of the Silk Road, the geography of China, even see some real photos and notes from the author’s travels at the end of the story. You might also like The Mountain of Tibet or The Great Race: The Story of the Chinese Zodiac.
Chandra’s Magic Light: A Story in Nepal—Nepal
by Theresa Heine, Illustrations by Judith Gueyfier. Ages 6-10
Chandra and Deena, two sisters, go to market one day and find a “magic” lamp that would be better than the “smoky” one they have at home that makes their brother cough. A shining tribute to sisterhood, ingenuity, and perseverance this book also has beautiful illustrations displaying the beautiful country and culture of Nepal. Kids can read all about Nepal from the endnotes, as well as learn how to make a solar-powered oven.
Off We Go to Mexico! An Adventure in the Sun—Mexico
by Laurie Krebs, Illustrations by Christopher Corr. Ages 4-10
Your kids will be so curious to learn more about Mexico and its vast and varied geography and cultural wonders. Travel on a train, welcome the butterfly migration, go to market, climb the ancient ruins, dance to Mariachi music in the town square. Learn fun cultural notes and facts at the end, and study a map of all the places you visit in the story.
We All Went on Safari: A Counting Journey through Tanzania—Tanzania
by Laurie Krebs, Illustrations by Julia Cairns. Ages 4-10
Take a walk through the grasslands of Tanzania and count—in English and Swahili!—the amazing animals there including elephants, lions, and monkeys. Learn about the animals in the back of the book as well as their habitats, and you can read facts about the Maasai people who live in Tanzania.
Up and Down in the Andes—Peru
by Laurie Krebs, Illustrations by Aurélia Fronty. Ages 4-10
Join in the festivities of Inti Raymi, a celebration that happens every June in Peru. Travel from Lake Titicaca to Cusco and see all the different forms of transport the people use there. Learn about the Festival of the Sun at the end of the book and other Peruvian holidays.
Mama Panya’s Pancakes—Kenya
by Rich Chamberlin & Mary Chamberlin, Illustrations by Julia Cairns
This might be one of my favorite children’s books ever. It has that familiar repetitive structure of an old folk tale with the sights and sounds of a village in Kenya. Adika goes to market with him mama one day and generously invites a few too many people to share lunch with them. His mama worries but Adika assures, they have “a little bit and a little bit more.” Akin to Stone Soup this story warms your heart with lessons about sharing and community.
Multicultural Folktales, Legends, and Traditional Stories
The Barefoot Book of Animal Tales from Around the World
by Naomi Adler, Illustrations by Amanda Hall. Ages 5-11
Read animal tales from around the world like Rabbit in the Moon from India, The Greedy Frog from Australia, or Magic in the Rainforest from Brazil. These stories passed down from generation to generation teach about community, bravery, caring for our planet and more.
Tales from Old Ireland
by Malachy Doyle, Illustrations by Niamh Sharkey. Ages 6+
Seven myths and legends from Ireland will enchant young readers, classrooms, and families. Complete with pronunciation guide and a note from the author, this collection of tales would be a lovely start to learning about the Emerald Isle.
The Barefoot Book of Jewish Tales
by Shoshana Boyd Gelfand. Illustrations by Amanda Hall. Ages 7+
Eight Jewish folktales, enough to read one for each day of Hanukkah, will introduce readers to tales like “Elijah’s Wisdom,” “Challah in the Ark,” “Clever Rachel,” and others. Learn about the symbolism in the tales and what the Hebrew names mean from the author who happens to be a rabbi, interfaith leader, and mother!
Indian Tales: A Barefoot Collection
by Shenaaz Nanji, Illustrations by Christopher Corr. Ages 8+
Different Indian states (Gujarat, Punjab, Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Kerala) are represented by each of the eight folk tales chosen for this collection. Immerse yourself in the cultures, the tastes, sights, and smells of this diverse country and its folk tales. Read the geography and history notes that accompany the stories as well.
The Barefoot Book of Earth Tales
by Dawn Casey, Illustrations by Anne Wilson. Ages 5-11
Did you know “green living” is not a new trend, but something that has been practiced by many cultures for ages? Discover the importance of taking care of Mother Earth in these seven specially curated tales from Comanche to Welsh to Aboriginal cultures and beyond. Not only does each story have an introduction to the culture it comes from, but it also has a hands-on guided activity to try that goes along with the tale.
The Story Tree: Tales to Read Aloud
by Hugh Lupton, Illustrations by Sophie Fatus. Ages 3-7
We love this one at our house. A collection of fun tales that will make your little readers giggle, think, and make connections to their own world. Our favorite so far is “Monkey-See, Monkey-Do,” (from India) and there’s other beloved tales like “The Little Red Hen,” or “Three Billy Goats Gruff,” as well as others you may not have heard of from many places around the world.
Animal Stories Set
by Lari Don, Illustrations by Melanie Williamson. Ages 6+
These fun early chapter books tell four different folk tales from around the world that have an animal as one of the main characters. Masha and the Bear from Russia, Never Trust a Tiger from Korea, The Tortoise’s Gift from the Zambia, and The Hungry Wolf from North America.
Must-Have Books for Developing Compassion, Empathy & Kindness
Books About Compassion
La Frontera: My Journey with Papa
by Alfredo Alva & Deborah Mills
Illustrations by Claudia Navarro
Author Alfredo Alva tells the true story of his journey from Mexico to the United States with his father in the 1980s. Readers get to see what life was like for Alfredo and his family in Mexico, what caused his father to make the journey across the border, what trials the two faced along the way, and how Alfredo had to adjust to a new country, a new language, and a new culture. Parents and educators can use this book to help kids understand the humanity behind the topic of immigration. The book also has notes at the end with facts and information about the history of immigration around the world.
One City, Two Brothers
by Chris Smith, Illustrations by Aurélia Fronty
Passed down in Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities for centuries, this is a tale for all ages. It’s a powerful tale of kindness and peace that explains how the city of Jerusalem came to be. Books from around the world that include interfaith relationships are great examples for kids!
The Girl With a Brave Heart
by Rita Jahanforuz, Illustrations by Vali Mintzi. Ages 4-10
Israeli pop star Rita Jahanforuz, born in Tehran, wrote this story about a young girl who lives with her stepmother and stepsister. One day circumstances lead her to an encounter with the lonely old woman who lives next door. The two form a friendship and the young girl, Shiraz, learns some important lessons about empathy and listening to others.
Chandra’s Magic Light
by Theresa Heine, Illustrations by Judith Gueyfier. Ages 6-10
See description in first section.
Herb, the Vegetarian Dragon
by Jules Bass, Illustrations by Debbie Harter. Ages 4-10
Herb, a vegetarian dragon, unknowingly gets caught in the middle of a conflict between the meat-eating dragons and the humans who don’t want to be eaten anymore. Herb has to learn how to stay true to his own values and not change under pressure from his peers. A great story to talk about how groups with different beliefs and values can co-exist in harmony, and how each “side” can learn from the other. (There is some mention of fighting and battle talk in this book that might make it hard for sensitive readers.)
The Blue Bird’s Palace
by Orianne Lallemand, Illustrations by Carole Henaff. Ages 5-10
This story reminds me of the king who wanted a golden touch. Natasha, after making a selfish decision, is turned into a blue bird by the Guardian of the Blue Forest and locked in a palace. The palace has everything Natasha ever wanted, but now she finds herself lonely and missing her widowed father. Will she learn how to put the needs of others ahead of her own, or is it too late?
The Barefoot Book of Children
by Tessa Strickland, Kate DePalma, Illustrations by David Dean. Ages 3-10
See description in first section.
Just Like Brothers
by Elizabeth Baguley, Illustrations by Aurelie Blanz. Ages 3-7
Mother wolf tells her son to beware of men. A young boy’s mother warns her young son to stay away from wolves. What happens when the two don’t heed this advice? Looking for a book to start conversations with your young ones about prejudice, inclusion, empathy and trust? This is your book, a fable perfect for our current times.
The Faery’s Gift
Retold by Tanya Robyn Batt, Illustrations by Nicoletta Ceccoli. Ages 3-7
An Irish fairy tale that tells the heartwarming story of a woodcutter who spares a fairy’s life. In return he is granted one wish, but he must decide how to use it in a way that will benefit everyone in his family and change their lives for the better.
Books About Empathy & Friendship
My Friend Robot!
by Sunny Scribens, Illustrations by Hui Skipp. Ages 3-7
Barefoot Books makes such fun sing-alongs, and this one is no different. Join a diverse group a friends that work together to build a tree house. Teamwork and STEAM concepts take center-stage for our youngest of readers.
Dr. Pott’s My Pets Have Spots!
by Rod Hull, Illustrations by Miriam Latimer. Ages 3-7
Just because this book was written by famous comedian Rod Hull, don’t be fooled into thinking it’s just about the laughs! The Betts family’s pets have come down with a case of the spots, but when the Vet tries to help it turns into a case of the stripes! Learning how to care for our pets and working together as a team to solve a problem are great world citizen skill-builders. Not to mention the literacy skills kids can practice with the fun repetitive structure of this silly story.
Just Like Brothers
by Elizabeth Baguley, Illustrations by Aurelie Blanz. Ages 3-7
See description in above section.
Jojo and the Food Fight!
by Didier Lévy, Illustrations by Nathalie Dieterle. Ages 3-7
Oh no! A food fight has erupted in the jungle and all the animals are angry. Jojo the elephant hatches a plan to help the animals become friends again, will it work? What a perfect read for learning about conflict resolution, friendship, sharing, and empathy.
Thank you so much Kali for these recommendations of books from around the world!!! We own and have read several of these, but now I have several more I’m getting for birthdays!!!
Is this available as a printable list? I would love to have it so I can slowly add to my collection!