Do your kids love nature activities!? In my opinion, the best way for little kids to learn about the world around the is to spend time outside in nature. I am so happy to be a part of this round-up of nature study ideas! I have joined forces with 7 other fabulous sites to bring you a slew of lessons in nature study. First, here are our favorite nature activities for kids:
Learn about Rivers of the World
Learn about rivers around the world (with gorgeous photographs!), and river vocabulary and definitions, and then explore some waterways near you:
Create a Neighborhood Tree Guide
Study the trees in your neighborhood, and create a neighborhood guide with leaves and bark rubbings. This has a great book list all about trees as well!
Nature Activities with Little Critters
Watch the life cycles of butterflies and frogs LIVE from an aquarium, and see the stages of their growth. Live critters are my kids’ FAVORITE! These catch and release activities help kids see nature up close:
Make a Bracelet on a Nature Hike
Spend time in nature exploring wildflowers. Explore fields near you on a nature hike, with these easy bracelets:
Compost your Kitchen Scraps
Learn about composting, and then compost your kitchen scraps to be used in your vegetable garden. Kids love to see how their trimmings turn into dirt, and are used to grow more veggies!
Learn about Owls and Dissect Owl Pellets
This incredible hands-on science project is wonderful for kids who like to get their hands messy. Dissecting owl pellets is perfect for elementary school kids to learn about food chains and forest science:
Visit my co-hosts to learn about other exciting ways to incorporating nature study!
Suzy Homeschooler
Wisdom. Knowledge. Joy.
Kid World Citizen
Houseful of Chaos
Inspiring NH Kids
What do you think? I love to hear from my readers:).